Harrisburg Trap Club Spring Shoots

Korey Harlson                                          Brett Long, Cary Traynom, Jordan Harper               Brad Hulen, Garrett Grubbs

Harrisburg Trap Club has been the host for three registered shoots this spring.  Attendance averaged around thirty-seven shooters, mostly youth from Harrisburg, Pocahontas, and Brookland.  They are on teams preparing to compete in the Arkansas Youth Shooting Sports Program regional and state tournaments.  

The first shoot was held February 21 in horrible conditions.  It was very cold and rainy, however shooters endured and have some great experience under their belts for future competitions.  

The second shoot was held on Easter weekend.  The weather was much more cooperative for this shoot.  One of our Hornet Shooters, Cary Traynom, shot his first fifty straight during this shoot.  He will receive a special patch to award his accomplishment.

The third shoot was held the day before Mother's Day.  Shooters competed in 16-yard singles, handicap, and double events.  Aaron Speaks of Jonesboro shot his first twenty-five straight.  His teammates were planning to help him celebrate by shooting his cap. 

Official Results

February 21, 2009 Shoot
Winner - Steven Wright -92
Class A - Haden Zirbel - 92
Class B - Aaron Nyitrai - 89
Class C - J.K. Chambless - 90
Class D - Glenn Hill - 92
Woman - Courtney Lent - 32

Winner - J.K. Chambless - 90
19 - 21 Yard - Glenn Hill - 89
22 - 25 Yard - Garrett Grubbs - 82
Woman - Courtney Lent - 38

Easter Shoot
Winner - Jordan Harper - 94
Woman - Megan Key - 69
Junior - Brett Long - 93
Sub-Junior - Cary Traynom - 91

Winner - Korey Harlson - 82
Junior - Garrett Grubbs - 76
Sub-Junior - Brad Hulen - 80

Mother's Day Shoot
Winner - Jordan Harper - 99

Winner - Corey Shannon - 93

Winner - Jordan Harper - 90

High Overall
Jordan Harper

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