Trap Team Wins National Title

Like a prelude to Olympic shooting events, more than 1,600 young shotgunners competed this week for medals and national honors at the Scholastic Clay Target Program (SCTP) Trap National Championships.

The Harrisburg community can now boast of having a national team. The Harrisburg Hornet Shooting Team posted a score of 970 to win the Intermediate Advanced Division title. Team members include Jordan Harper of Harrisburg, Corey Shannon of Harrisburg, Haden Zirbel of Weiner, Brett Long of Harrisburg and Garret Grubbs of Weiner.

Zirbel has a perfect score hitting 200 straight targets.

“Their focus (was the difference). They were focused, they had a goal set,” said coach Pat Turnage, Harrisburg. “We came here last year and finished in 11th place and they had to come back and win it. They worked real hard. I am proud of them. They have a great attitude and a willingness to work and some natural talent and they really turned it on this week,” said Turnage.

In the end nine states boasted teams on the medals stand.

Arkansas won two medals overall. In additional to the Harrisburg Team, a team from Pocahontas finished second in the Intermediate Entry Division.

Competition was held in five divisions Aug. 4-5 2008 at the World Shooting than Recreational Complex in Sparta, IL.

SCTP is managed y the National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) in partnership with USA Shooting and other governing bodies for shooting sports. Across more than 40 states in 2008, 9,135 youths competed and 1,1562 adults volunteered as coaches and directors – both new records for the program.

“The anticipation and excitement of the Olympics and two SCTP alumni competing in the Beijing appeared to drive interest in our program this year. The quality of hooting – not to mention the quality of character – among the young people at this event leaves little doubt that we’ll see more Olympians coming out of SCTP in the future,” said Steve Sanetti NSF president.

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